Hey guys!
First of all, I apologize for not being active on my blog for more than a year! It’s really time that I start writing more and informing you guys about things you want to know. Just email me through my website and I’ll answer any questions.
The first update is that my book, You Just Can’t Win ‘Em All, is now ready on Audible! That’s right, folks, you can now listen to my book snuggled up on a couch, cruising in the car, or flying on a plane. It’s narrated by the splendid Michael Crouch who really has a fantastic voice. I’m so excited for this new season in my life.
And yes, I am avidly writing the second book of my trilogy, and it’s called You Win Some, You Lose Some. If you want a quick sneak peak of the first chapter, just download my book on Kindle and you’ll see it at the end. Eighth grade is filled with lots of responsibilities and homework, but I’m trying my best to finish up the second book, which is jam-packed with action and adventure.
It’s such a beautiful day out: the end of December in Florida and the Sun is still glowing like a beacon. It’s easily eighty degrees, which is nice because in the middle of the winter, our state definitely gets glimpses of summer.
I have to run now—more studying to get done! I will absolutely blog more in the future and post about life here in the Sunshine State!
I wish all of you readers the best and have a Happy New Year filled with love, peace and prosperity!!!
Talk soon,